Saturday, October 8, 2011

3 Cups of Self-Examination

Quote of the day: "There is nothing deep down inside us except what we have put there ourselves."-Richard Rorty

What is Self-Examination?
You are probably saying to yourself why is she asking that question.....I already know what it means.  But do you really......?  The definition of self-examination is looking into one's own state, conduct, and motives, particularly in regard to religious feelings and duties.

We often times never want to take responsibility for the things that we say or do (personally guilty of this).  We always use the excuse of blaming others for our shortcomings.  But when a real honest self-examination is made we may find that actually the problem is ourselves.  

Why is it so...hard for us to admit when we're wrong?  Or have wronged others?  I think our pride has something to do with it (Your thoughts are welcomed).

Tip: Accepting responsibility for our own thoughts, desires and conduct may be the beginning's to a healthier self.  Let's work on this together!

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