Saturday, October 8, 2011

1/2 Cup of Truth

Quote of the day: "Trust yourself, you know more than you think you do."-Benjamin Spock

Making the decision to attend college after 20 years of being outside of a school environment was probably the scariest thing I had to deal with besides bringing a child into this world. I wasn't sure if i was smart enough or even capable of learning new things that will help me to further my career and knowledge.  My apprehensions was so bad....that I had made-up my mind that I was only going to attend a certification program.  But once I realized that I wasn't a stupid person and could actually obtain good grades, I changed my major to a degree program.  I have been hitting the pavement hard, not even looking back!

However, it wasn't until I began to trust myself and abilities before coming to those conclusions.  I have always prided myself in being a strong willed person but this kind of empowerment is a totally different feeling. Now I really.....feel like I can accomplish anything and be an asset to any legitimate company.  Whereas in the past I would doubt myself (still do from time to time) frequently and sometimes felt inferior.  

Tip(s): You can accomplish anything in life, all you have to is be true to yourself and abilities and everything else will fall into place.  Also, never give-up or listen to haters who say "You Can't", because they'll be disappointed when "You Do".
Watch-out for Haters!

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