Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Recipe to a Happier Life.

3 Cups of Self-Examination
2 Cups of Honesty
1 Cup of Love
1/2 of Cup of Truth
2 tablespoons of Health

In order to make a good delicious cake, you must follow the recipe using all the ingredients.  If one ingredient is missing you would be heading for a disaster.  Its a similar situation when it comes to our lives and how we choose to live it.  Every now and then we have do a self-examination to check and see if certain ingredients are working or missing.  Are we loving, being honest, truthful or healthy enough when it comes to our personal relationships (son, daughter, mother, father, girlfriend, boyfriend, husband or wife) with others?

If after some thought you have answered "No", there's no worries....."help is on the way".  My blog is going to provide various tips related to how important is for us to focus on ourselves before we can be an asset to anyone else regardless of our age or gender.

Now....Let's go and Find Happiness Together!!!


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Living in accordance with the "golden rule"--treat others as you would like to be treated-is a time-tested and enriching ingredient to living a fruitful, successful, and beneficial life. I look forward to your words of wisdom. No doubt you have a strong influence in your life, someone who inspires you....

  3. Thank you for this blog; it is right on time during these hard economic times. Under stress, we sometimes forget to treat others, including ourselves, with love and kindness. Good posting.
