Saturday, October 8, 2011

2 Cups of Honesty

Quote of the day: "Tricks and treachery are the practice of fools, that don't have brains enough to be honest."-Benjamin Franklin

Being dishonest seems to be a common practice amongst the human race.  We even categorize it as a little "white lie", "half truths" or "just being polite".   How many times have we said to our family members and friends "You look really good" or "You are really....nice" when that wasn't even true?  

As soon as the person walks away we are ourselves, that person looks a Hot Mess.  Or he/she is a total jerk.  If that wasn't our true feeling, then why do we tell people what they want to hear instead of being completely honest with them?  There shouldn't been any exceptions to the rule......or is there?

How do I look? Like a clown!

Tip(s): Being completely honest to the ones we love in a tactful way shows we are genuinely concerned and makes for stronger and happier relationships.  And it also helps us to relieve unnecessary anxiety towards others.

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